Legal notice


Publisher: LPG SYSTEMS, a public limited company with share capital of €2,124,950, registered in the Register of Companies of Romans under number B335183836 and whose registered office is located at 30, rue Dr Abel – Technoparc de la Plaine – 26000 VALENCE (FRANCE).
Phone: +33 (0)4 75 78 69 00 Fax: +33 (0)4 75 42 80 85 E-Mail:
N°TVA Intracommunautaire: FR 50 33 51 83 836

Publication Director and Editor in Chief: Mrs Gaële Euvrie

Hosting Company: IP Garde – Tour de l’Horloge – 4, place Louis Armand 75603 PARIS Cedex 12

Graphic Design/Multimedia Production: LPG SYSTEMS


Please read the terms outlined below before using the website. Use of the site implies acceptance of these terms. Accordingly, by accessing the site, users browsing the site declare that they have read and agree to these terms of use without reservation and that they agree to comply with the rules defined herein under all circumstances.


1.1. The title, design, format, content (trademarks, text, color layout, illustrations, photographs, and pictures) of the website, its general architecture, and its layout, including any software, software compilation, source code, and generally any information and/or documents contained in the website, including any elements created for the website, are the property of either LPG SYSTEMS S.A. (referred to herein as “LPG”) and/or its affiliates and are protected under copyright.

1.2. The website is a creation protected in France by the French Intellectual Property Code (Code de la propriété intellectuelle) and internationally by treaties and conventions on Intellectual Property. Violation of the work’s copyright is an infringement punishable under Articles L.331-1 et seq of the French Intellectual Property Code, without prejudice to the penalties provided for violations of French law no. 78-17, as amended, dated January 6, 1978, on Data Processing, Data Files, and Individual Liberties (called “Loi Informatique et Libertés”). Unless indicated otherwise, the entire contents of the website – including its text, images, graphics, and/or audiovisual files – are protected by law and may not be sold, modified, distributed, reused, repositioned, exploited, represented, or used, in full or in part, in any manner, whether for public or commercial use, regardless of the medium, without the prior written consent of LPG.
If LPG expressly gives its prior consent, the authorized reproduction of the information contained in this site must indicate the source and properly identify its ownership.

1.3. LPG does not allow users to electronically copy or create a paper copy of the documents and/or material contained in the site, regardless of the intended use. No license or right, other than the right to view the site, is granted to anyone with regard to intellectual property rights.

1.4. The signs LPG SYSTEMS, LPG, ENDERMOLOGIE, ENDERMO, CELLU M6, MOBILIFT M6, HUBER, ERGOLIFT, LIPO M6, LIFT M6, KEYMODULE, ROLL’IN, ROLL’OUT, ROLL’UP, LIPOMASSAGE, ENDERMOLIFT and WELLBOX, are trademarks exploited and/or filed and/or filed registered in France and/or abroad by LPG and/or on which LPG holds rights.
Also, the company names, trade names, brands, domain names, logos, slogans, products, trademarks, and generally any distinctive sign included in the site may not be used without the prior written consent of LPG.
In addition, the range of CELLU M6, MOBILIFT M6, LIFT M6, LIPO M6, WELLBOX and HUBER devices are protected by authors’ rights and/or patents and/or designs and models.


2.1. This website is not intended to provide medical and/or paramedical advice. All of the information contained on the website is given purely for information only. LPG does not guarantee that the information available on its website is complete and up-to-date. This information, which does not claim to be exhaustive, cannot be used as advice of any nature whatsoever and cannot take the place of professional opinion.
This information may change at any time, without prior notice.

2.2. The information provided on this website relating to slimming, health, or lifestyle is general information given only as information. This information should not be considered to be exhaustive.
The information contained in the website is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnoses, or generally any consultation or prescription issued by a doctor.


3.1. Authorized links to the site: no one may create a link to this website without the express prior written consent of LPG. If consent is given, clicking the link should cause a new browser window to open for the user, separate from the original window.

3.2. Links provided by the site: LPG formally disclaims any responsibility for the content of websites to which it provides links, providing access to webpages other than those within its websites. Such links are offered as a service to the website’s users. The decision to activate links belongs exclusively to the site’s users.
Under no condition may LPG be held liable for:
– Publications and the content of documents appearing on these other websites;
– The use of trademarks, logos, and other distinctive signs, including pictures appearing on websites reproduced upon activation of the link;
– The integrity and completeness of information provided by these other websites.
Users and visitors must refrain from unfairly collecting or diverting personal information or committing any other act that may infringe upon anyone’s privacy or consideration.


4.1. LPG does not guarantee the website’s availability and access time, and it cannot be held responsible for the timeliness, deletion, or failure to post or store information. The methods for performing maintenance, testing, and upgrades are freely chosen and performed by LPG, at any time, regardless of the procedures and resources employed for such purpose.
LPG makes its best effort to maintain access to the site. However, LPG may be required to temporarily or definitely interrupt access to the website, particularly for legal, technical, and maintenance reasons.

4.2. Neither LPG nor any of its affiliates, officers, employees, or other representatives may be held liable for damages, loss of data, direct or indirect material or immaterial damages, such as loss of market share, customers, data, revenue, or profits suffered by a site user in connection with using the site, and generally any business trouble whatsoever that may result from the inability to access the site for any duration of time or the use of incorrect information and/or content.


5.1. In accordance with French law no. 78-17, as amended, dated January 6, 1978, on Data Processing, Data Files, and Individual Liberties, called “Loi Informatique et Libertés”, the website has been registered under number 1925420. LPG hereby informs the user that LPG saves the information (personal data) collected on this website for the purpose of managing business relationships.

5.2. In order to facilitate and monitor the user’s navigation on this website, LPG may also use cookies to automatically collect information for the purpose of improving the personalized service intended for the user.
The user may refuse to install cookies on his or her hard drive by configuring the browser (as explained in the online help).
For technical reasons, the user is advised that some information and/or webpages may not be accessible if the user has refused to install cookies.

5.3. In accordance with the French « Loi Informatique et Libertés », the user has a right to access, modify, correct, and delete his or her personal information.
Under these terms, the user is entitled to access his or her personal data and to receive a copy of the information by sending a request either by email from the website’s “Contact” section or by postal mail.
If sent by postal mail, the user should address the request to LPG at the following address: LPG SYSTEMS – 30, rue Dr Abel – Technoparc de la Plaine – 26000 VALENCE (FRANCE).
If the information is incorrect or incomplete, the user may request for it to be corrected, completed, or deleted by contacting the address indicated above.


6.1. This website and its terms of use are governed exclusively by French law, which is the only applicable law. These General Terms of Use are originally written in French. If they are translated into one or more other languages, only the French text would prevail in the event of a dispute.

6.2. Claims or disputes will be kindly accepted and given our highest level of attention. In the event of a dispute, the user may contact LPG SYSTEMS for an amicable solution by writing to the following address: LPG SYSTEMS – 30, rue Dr Abel – Technoparc de la Plaine – 26000 VALENCE (FRANCE).

Any dispute regarding this website and its terms of use will be brought exclusively before the competent courts with jurisdiction where LPG’s head office is located.

Update on 2016-01-14


When you visit the website, information about your browsing may be recorded in files known as « cookies » stored on your terminal (computer, Smart phone, tablet, etc.).

This page tells you more about the origin and use of these cookies by LPG SYSTEMS.

The cookies are created either by LPG SYSTEMS or by associated third-party partners to facilitate your browsing experience on our website and to present you with tailored services.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file containing various information in text form. It is recorded on your terminal (computer, Smart phone, tablet, etc.) via your browser, by the website you are visiting.

There are different types of cookies:

Cookies required for browsing

These cookies are necessary to the satisfactory operation of our website and enable you among other things to access the secure areas (such as your account, your basket, etc.). It will normally be impossible to use our website without these cookies.

Functional cookies

These cookies make it possible to memorise your choices and options when visiting our website in order to improve your browsing experience. As an example, they are used to recognise you when you come back to our website later, and to remember any items you may have put in your basket, etc.

Cookies for performance-related or analytical purposes

The purpose of these cookies is to enable us to learn how you use our website in order to improve its overall operation and to enhance the value and user-friendliness of our services (with statistics about user numbers, to learn for example more about the number of visits to our website and the most frequently viewed pages, etc.).

Advertising cookies

These cookies collect information about your browsing habits with the aim of displaying advertising better suited to your interests.

These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited but also the links you have clicked on and your browsing outside our website.

They are generally inserted by third parties with our permission. It is difficult for us to list them exhaustively.

You may therefore refuse these cookies and choose to deactivate them as you prefer. Refusing this type of cookie has no impact on the use of our website and does not prevent advertising from being displayed on our website or on the Internet in general.

Third-party application cookies incorporated within our website

Computer applications from third parties may be included on our website enabling you to share your opinion concerning the content of our website with other people via social networking (for example with the social networking sharing buttons such as « Share », « Like », etc.).

You may therefore refuse them or deactivate them. Deactivation will not affect the normal operation of our website. Deactivating them will only prevent you from interacting with the social networks.

We invite you to contact the social networks concerned or to view their privacy protection and personal data protection pages, as we have no control over the processes used by the social networks to collect your information and the manner in which they use it.


How do I accept/refuse the use of cookies?

You can accept the use of cookies or choose to deactivate them at any time when browsing.

These cookies are generally configured from your own browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, etc.). You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis according to the issuer or refuse them for all uses.

However, we should inform you that the configuration of these cookies may modify your ability to access our services, which require the use of so-called necessary cookies.

As an example, if your browser is configured to refuse all cookies, you will be unable to make a purchase on our website or to use certain website features.

The settings for each browser are different and these are described in the browser’s help menu. This will tell you how to go about changing your cookie settings.

For information purposes only, here are a few guidelines for the main browsers to help you:

If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer

– Click on the « Tools » button then on « Internet Options ».

– In the « General » tab, under « Browsing history » click « Settings ».

– Click the « View files » button.

– Select the cookies including the name endermologie or LPG and delete them.

– Close the window containing the list of files then click twice on OK to return to Internet Explorer.

If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser

– In the Tools tab, select the « Options » menu.

– Choose « Privacy » and click « Show cookies ».

– Find the files containing the name endermologie or LPG.

– Select them and delete them.

If you use Apple’s Safari browser

– Choose the « Edit » menu > « Preferences ».

– Click on « Security ».

– Click on Show cookies.

– Select the cookies containing the name endermologie or LPG and click on « Remove » or on « Remove all ».

– After deleting the cookies, click on « Done ».

If you use Google’s Chrome browser

– Click on the icon for the « Tools » menu. Select « Settings ».

– Click on the « Advanced settings » tab and go to the « Privacy » section.

– Click on « Content settings ».

– Click on the « All cookies and site data » button.

– Find the files containing the name endermologie or LPG.

– Select them and delete them.

– Click « Close » to return to your browsing.

You can also configure cookie management from a platform proposed by the advertising professionals.


For further information about cookies

You can find further information about the use of cookies on the CNIL website (French data protection authority):